What We Do


We Fix Hacked Websites. We Change Working Websites

You need changes to your site

"I can't find the person who did my site and I need some changes!"

Yes, we know. We hear this all the time. Your web-guy/gal has disappeared off the grid and you don't know HTML (web mark-up language) from NaCl (which is chemical notation for... salt!)

We are the people you want to contact.

While we don't know EVERY web paradigm... we do know a lot about WordPress sites, PHP based sites, and sites using plain HTML with CSS libraries... like Bootstrap or TailWind or W3CSS

We can also deal with sites using one of the many Javascript frameworks... React, Vue, Next.js, as well as those using Typescript.

Be it a few sentences or several new screens, we can do it.

"Holy cow! Our site was hacked!"

Perhaps it displays porn... or your host has shut it down... or you just get the hated 'white screen of death.' What do you do?

The first thing is not to panic. We tell people that, but of course, they are already panicking!

Take a breath... maybe two or three! Stay calm, realize it is not the end of the world, and...

... contact us.

As long as you know the login credentials to your host's control panel and the login to your website (if it has one... like WordPress does) we can help you.

If you don't, we can contact the host and see what we can do to get what we need (you will have to authorize it, of course.)

If you have a current backup of the site (and database if using one) we can quickly and easily get you up and running again.

If you don't have a backup (and many people don't!) we will get into the site and clean out files, replace files (if possible) and make this whole mess go away!

(Sometimes the most cost-effective method it to salvage as much content (words and pictures) and just start over with a new site. We can do that for you as well... see our NewMediaWebsiteDesign.com site.)

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