

What Will It Cost?

The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low price has faded from memory. - Aldo Gucci

It takes an extensive set of skills coupled with a lot of education and a fair amount of experience to do what we do... at the level that we do it.

Are you old enough to remember when cars were 'simple' and thus easier and cheaper to repair? Today you will pay well over $100/hr. for auto repairs... in addition to whatever parts you need.

It's the same with websites. In 1995 when the web first 'took off' sites were quite basic consisting of just simple-to-write (and understand) HTML and a bit of Javascript.

Thirty years later, nothing is 'basic' anymore as the technology has grown such that sites consist of complex "front end" coding with HTML5, greatly enhanced Javascript, and "back-end" programming in PHP or Ruby or Python or any number of other languages.

And of course there are the Content Management Systems... the best-known and most popular being WordPress. WP used to be simple when it came out in 2003, but it is far more complex twenty years later

If we accept your project we are going charge you $85/hr. which is a fair and even modest rate... given the quality of our work and the 'smothering' customer service we provide.

Of course we will give you an estimate. From our experience it will be very close to the final amount.

We guarantee our work. If you don't like our work, you don't have to pay for it and we will return the site to how we found it... no questions asked... no argument... no drama.

If you wish to shop for "cheap" that is fine. Please do. But please re-read the quote at the top of this screen. There is a lot of truth in it.

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